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Youth to Explore Drones in World’s Largest Youth-Led Engineering Design Challenge

By National 4-H Council • May 18, 2016

Drones are revolutionizing the way we work and play, whether you are a filmmaker looking for the perfect aerial shot, a rescue worker mapping damage from natural disaster or a farmer determining how to increase crop yield. As drones play an increasingly important role in the world around us, 4‑H National Youth Science Day (4‑H NYSD) 2016 introduces youth to the burgeoning field of drones in a hands-on, interactive design challenge.

Jacob Shuman: A Positive Role Model

By Jacob Shuman • May 11, 2016

I was honored to receive the 2016 Youth in Action Award in Agriculture and Animal Sciences.…

Thaddeus Hughes: Inspiring Youth to Reach Higher

By Thaddeus Hughes • May 11, 2016

It feels fulfilling to be selected as the Youth in Action STEM Pillar award winner, sponsored…

Jennifer Nettles: Helping True Leaders Find Their Passion

By kara • May 11, 2016

Jennifer Nettles on 4‑H Watch Jennifer’s “green carpet” interview from the 2016 4‑H Legacy Awards. Grammy…

Announcing the 2016 4-H Youth in Action Award Recipients

By _Amaya_Collins_ • April 19, 2016

After receiving more than 250 outstanding submissions from youth across the country, National 4‑H Council is…

Survey Shows American Youth Feel Today’s Leaders Have a Different Agenda: They Lack Skills to Lead Themselves

By kara • April 12, 2016

As the presidential election hoists leadership to the forefront of national dialogue, a new survey asks America’s youth to weigh in on the topic – finding that today’s leaders are believed to have their own agendas and demonstrate weak leadership. Additionally, young people would like better preparation as leaders.

4-H Mentor Q&A: Deborah Fajans

By _Amaya_Collins_ • April 7, 2016

We continue celebrating and highlighting 4‑H Mentoring programs across the country, and the mentors who have…

Four Tips on Maintaining a Culture of Innovation as Your 4-H Program Grows

By Paul Hill • April 6, 2016

No 4‑H educator strives for mediocrity. But all too often, successful proposals lead to grant funding…

4-H Mall Small Business: Kelly’s Felting Kits

By Burns Foster • April 6, 2016

New 4‑H Mall Small Business partner Kelly Corbett sorted through 4,000 pounds of wool last year,…

4-H Grows True Leaders

By _Amaya_Collins_ • April 6, 2016

Every child has the potential to be a true leader. However, kids today say they are…

Why People are the Next Big App

By Paul Hill • February 8, 2016

This week I was listening to an episode of Jacob Morgan’s The Future of Work Podcast where he…