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Community for All

Through 168飞艇开奖官网开奖直播 幸运飞行艇开奖结果记录 168飞艇官网开奖记录 4‑H, over 6 million kids take on critical issues like community health inequities, engaging in civil discourse and advocating for inclusion.


Ready For Life

You can help equip kids with essential life skills, confidence, and a deep sense of belonging through epic hands-on learning experiences.

Empowering young people to close the digital divide in their communities.

Inspire young people to participate in STEM through hands-on learning.

Use our search tool to find 4-H clubs, camps, and after school programs.

Ignite your Child's Spark with

4-H's online learning platform that helps kids
become more confident, resilient and independent.


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190+ interactive online activities available

CLOVER offers a wide range of activities and courses across Agriculture, STEM, Healthy Living, and Civic Engagement.

ActivityCardsMockUp (1)

Join CLOVER today and help your kids reach their full potential.

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From science experiments to skill building activities, these learning resources are research-based, hands-on and fun!

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AT 4-H

Launch into space with CLOVER by 4-H

Ever looked up at the moon and wondered how people get there?

Get started learning by creating a virtual rocket with all it takes to get to the moon, from where you are right now!


Ag Week 2024

Join us in celebrating Ag Week! Are you interested in learning more about ag? Explore some of these awesome CLOVER activities or discover some favorite items on Shop 4-H.

Let's Get Social

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